
5 ways to banish the blues!

As Keith Urban says, “Life is a rollercoaster, you’ve just gotta ride it.” But what happens when you feel stuck, locked in and overwhelmed that you can’t get off? Life’s not always an easy ride and we all feel blue sometimes, but how do keep going through the low times and keep the blues at bay?

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symptoms of coronavirus

What do I do if I develop symptoms of coronavirus?

If you develop symptoms (fever, a cough, sore throat, tiredness or shortness of breath) within 14 days of leaving a country or region that is at higher risk for COVID-19, or within 14 days of last contact of a confirmed case, you should arrange to see your doctor for urgent assessment.

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When it’s a virus, antibiotics won’t help.

In my many years practising as a GP and after hours home doctor, I have seen thousands and thousands of cases of acute respiratory infections (e.g. colds and flu). When treating this type of illness, there is one question patients ask more than any other.

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The common infection women hate the most

Without doubt the illness that causes my female patients the most grief (albeit temporarily) is when they contract a urinary tract infection. With cries like, “Doctor, it really, really hurts!”, “It’s really stinging when I pee”, or “I have the urge to ‘go’ 20 times a day!” – it really is the infection that women hate the most.

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