
Special Patient Instructions | Home Doctor | 13SICK

13SICK, National Home Doctor has a computerised Special Patient System for subscribing GPs, set up to support continuous medical care of patients under your control and supervision. This information is provided to the after-hours doctor prior to the consultation. Please complete the form below to ensure we are aware of any preferred management instructions for your higher needs patients, in particular your patients with complex, chronic or palliative conditions and treatment plans.

Special patients generally fall into one of three broad categories:

  1. Palliative Care Patients – Principal GP’s advise of patients who are expected to pass away and/or have specific pain management regimes they would like followed in the event that an after-hours doctor needs to attend. In the event of a death, the regular GP will be contacted prior to attendance by the after-hours doctor to attest to the cause of death.
  2. Routine (Dressings and Injections) or Clinical Needs Patients – These patients usually have specific ongoing needs or bookings for once-off attendances.
  3. Incident Report Patients – These patients are added to the ‘Special Patient’ database because they may represent a threat to our doctor’s security. 

Click here to access the GP Treatment Plan – Special Patient Instructions Form

If you have any further questions with regards to Special Patients, please contact us on 13 7425 or send an email to [email protected].