ICT Use Policy | Home Doctor | 13SICK


All employees have the responsibility to use, and to ensure that others use, the internet, emails and information technology (ICT) resources in a professional, ethical and lawful manner. National Home Doctor recognises the usefulness of the internet, email and computer equipment as communication, research and work tools, and so this policy sets out the appropriate standards of behaviour required.


The purpose of this policy is to provide guidance in the correct use of internet, email and computers by all persons who have access to National Home Doctor computer systems. This policy provides guidelines to ensure that internet and email activities avoid: 

  • damage to National Home Doctor ICT assets;
  • circulation of offensive material;
  • financial loss;
  • diversion of employee effort; and
  • harm to National Home Doctor public image or reputation. 

Throughout this policy, all persons who have access to our computer systems will be referred to as Users.


This policy will apply to all employees, contractors, and visitors * of National Home Doctor and its related entities, as well as the general public visiting our sites. 

This policy applies to the use of all internet, email and computer facilities, at all times. It also applies to the use of internet, email and computer facilities inside the workplace, as well as from remote locations.


  • Email means National Home Doctor electronic mail system or service.
  • Internet means the internet accessed through National Home Doctor resources either Company owned devices or communications protocols including using National Home Doctor resources to gain internet access for personal devices.
  • System means the Company’s server, personal computers and devices, network of computers, tablets and peripherals.
  • User means any employee, contractor (including sub-contractors and temporary contractors) volunteers or any other person who has or may have access to the System from time to time.

Guidelines for Use of ICT Resources

Social media

  • National Home Doctor has a separate Social Media Policy, which should be read in conjunction with this Internet, Email and Computer Policy. 
  • For more information on social media, please refer to Social Media Policy.

Prohibited Conduct

Certain behaviour is considered to be inappropriate use of National Home Doctor ICT resources and is strictly prohibited. Examples of such prohibited conduct are, but are not limited to:

  • Users must not send (or cause to be sent), upload, download, use, retrieve, or access any file, email or internet material that:
    • Is obscene, offensive or inappropriate. This includes images, sound, or any other material, sent either in an email or in an attachment to an email, or through a link to an internet site (URL). For example, material of a sexual nature, hateful, indecent or pornographic material.
    • Causes insult, offence, intimidation or humiliation by reason of unlawful harassment or discrimination.
    • Is defamatory or incurs liability or adversely impacts on the image of National Home Doctor. A defamatory message or material is a message or material that is insulting or lowers the reputation of a person or group of people.
    • Is otherwise illegal, unlawful or inappropriate.
    • Affects or may affect the performance of, or cause damage to or overload National Home Doctor computer systems or internal or external communications in any way.
    • Gives the impression of or is representing, giving opinions or making statements of on behalf of National Home Doctor without the express authority of National Home Doctor.
  • Users must not use ICT resources to:
    • Violate copyright or other intellectual property rights. Computer software that is protected by copyright is not to be copied from, or into, or by using National Home Doctor computer facilities, except as permitted by law or by contract with the owner of the copyright. Similarly, users should not copy or access copyright protected music or videos on National Home Doctor ICT resources.
    • Breach an individual’s privacy, including employees, patients, and clients.
    • Create any legal or contractual obligations on behalf of National Home Doctor unless expressly authorised.
    • Disclose any confidential information of National Home Doctor or any employee, patient, client or supplier unless expressly authorised by National Home Doctor.
    • Install software or run unknown or unapproved programs on National Home Doctor computers. Under no circumstances should users modify the software or hardware environments on National Home Doctor computer systems without prior approval from the CIO.
    • Deliberately send or cause to be sent chain or spam emails in any format.

Personal Use

  • Users are able to use National Home Doctor ICT resources for limited, incidental personal purposes, provided that such use does not:
  • Interfere with the efficient business operations of National Home Doctor
  • Violate this policy or any other policy of National Home Doctor
  • Negatively impact upon the User’s work performance
  • Hinder the work of other Users
  • Damage the reputation, image or operations of National Home Doctor
  • Such use must not cause noticeable additional cost to National Home Doctor

User Accountability

Users must keep passwords confidential, keep their portable devices safe and secure and immediately notify ICT to cut off remote access if device lost or stolen. Users must not use another user’s computer or internet access or email facilities including passwords and user names/login codes. If a User becomes aware that this has happened then the User must change their passwords immediately.

Handling Information about Security

Users must promptly report all information security alerts, warnings, suspected vulnerabilities, and the like to their Manager.

Public Representations

No web page or electronic mail message, or any other public representation about National Home Doctor may be issued unless it has first been approved by the CEO or his delegate.

Monitoring – Email, Files, Internet Downloads or Data Storage

National Home Doctor monitors the use of its ICT systems on an intermittent and ongoing basis. Access to and monitoring of equipment is permitted for any reason, including but not limited to, suspected breaches of this policy by a user or unlawful activities.

Mobile Phones 

If you are using the internet via mobile phone or other portable device you should be aware that your communications are not confidential and may be accessed by a third party. Therefore, the mobile phone or device must be password protected to ensure that National Home Doctor’s sensitive information including emails is not accessed by an unauthorised third party.

ICT Equipment 

During your employment with National Home Doctor you may be given equipment to perform your daily tasks. It is an expectation that this equipment is treated carefully and you don’t create unnecessary risks for the piece of equipment to be damaged or stolen. Damage caused by your negligence may be charged at your expense If any company owned equipment is damaged, lost or stolen it must be reported to ICT immediately.

Cessation of Employment 

When you cease working with or on behalf of National Home Doctor any Company equipment must be returned to your manager and any remote access to Citrix and other computer systems will be turned off by close of business on the last day. National Home Doctor reserves the right to remotely wipe all our company data including emails when you stop working with or on behalf of National Home Doctor.

Policy Breaches 

Where National Home Doctor suspects or finds evidence of a breach of this policy, we reserve the right to restrict a User’s access to our ICT resources. Any User found to have violated this policy may be subject to disciplinary action and criminal offences will be reported to the Police

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