Summer’s unwelcome visitor: the blue bottle

blue bottle

If you’ve spent any time on Australia’s beaches you will have no doubt seen, or for the less fortunate, been stung by – the Bluebottle.

Bluebottles vary in size, and the severity of the sting usually depends on the amount of contact the skin has with the tentacle. Bluebottle tentacles can still deliver a painful sting even when they wash up dead on the beach.

There are around 10 000 cases of bluebottle stings on the east coast of Australia each year. With so many suggestions as to the best way of dealing with Bluebottle stings (including everything from vinegar or urine, rubbing with sand and even warm beer!) it can be difficult to discern fact from fiction.

What to do

Immediately following a bluebottle sting carefully remove any remaining tentacles. This should be done preferably by wearing gloves or using tweezers, taking care to avoid further stings yourself. In the case of a large sting or a sting to the face or neck –this should be treated urgently and an ambulance (000) should be called.

After removing the tentacles, gently wash the area in sea water. Washing the area with vinegar is NOT recommended for bluebottle stings. The most current recommendation is to immerse the affected area in hot water (45 degrees Celsius – no hotter than is comfortably tolerable) for at least 20 minutes or, if this is not possible, direct a hot shower on the area for this length of time. If hot water is not available apply cold packs or wrapped ice to help alleviate pain.

Although extremely unlikely, it is possible that a bluebottle sting could trigger an allergic reaction.. If a person who has been stung develops distressing tightness in the chest or difficulty breathing, call 000 to get urgent medical help.

If after treating the bluebottle sting there is continuing pain, itchiness or blistering at the site of the sting, don’t wait until the next day to see a GP. Call 13SICK (that’s 13 7425) and a National Home Doctor Service doctor will make a bulk-billed*, after hours house call to your door.
* if eligible for Medicare rebates